Sunday, December 20, 2009

I invent words. Though apparently I’m retarded.

I’ve been doing a lot of writing over the last 6 months, most of it has been on my laptop in word documents. What’s peculiar is that I often come across words that, apparently, don’t exist. You know, that red underlining, letting you know you misspelled a word. Though these words aren’t misspelled, they just don’t exist already (according to the status quo).

For example:

This is out of my history notes:

    - Wants reform, but does not become a Protestant in the reformational sense

In my word document, reformational is underlined in red. Does that not make sense? I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

More examples of words that apparently don’t count in our English vocabulary:

Scientifical, academical, tosser (e.g. a coin tosser), catholized, protestantization, et cetera.

Who’s to say what words exist and which don’t?

Fuck the status quo.

ps: if you have invented words yourself, write them below, I'll add them to the list!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Seeing in slow motion/Living in the fast lane

Time is subjective. In fact time doesn't physically exist, its just an objective ticker we invented to use as a reference point, a benchmark perhaps in order to organize our busy lives.

Though whats interesting to look at is you one's perception of time, how the faster youre moving, the faster time passes, or the exact opposite. You might have noticed this when you are doing almost any exercise or activity and all of a sudden 2 hours have passed by in what felt like 15 minutes. The exact opposite can be said that when you aren't moving about, time seems to go by slower. Like when your staring at your clock and it feels like 5 minutes have gone by when its only been a minute or less.

I have a theory that perhaps living an active lifestyle keeps your mind sharp, or what I'm really trying to say is: it allows you to see in slow motion.

What I mean by active lifestyle is to enhance your ability of making snap judgments, and perhaps making all decisions in general. Perhaps there is a correlation between one's activity level(of mental and physical stimulation) and one's ability of making decisions which could also possibly translate to one's potential intelligence.

How I see this is that if your body is constantly active (active being physically and/or mentally stimulated) then it is living in the fast lane where time feels as though it is going by quickly. Thus when you slow down (ex: your sitting at your desk doing work or chatting, etc...), your mind is still in the "fast lane" and processes information just as fast. Though now you aren't moving as fast as you were so time seems to go by slowly, but your mind still processes information just as quickly, allowing you to perceive more, in less time.

Think of this analogy, to anyone who watched Dragon Ball Z:

In the shows there was a part when Goku had to go to some alien world to save his friends and combat some villain. But the gravity level on the planet he was heading to was much higher than what he was used to, so he had to train his body and workout in a high gravity bubble sort of thing, in order to get his body tuned to the right level.
Anyways, once he returned to earth, after having trained and fought on that alien planet at such a high gravity level, roaming on earth felt like a breeze and he could move at ridiculous speeds that couldn't have been achieved beforehand.

I also believe that the more active you are, the slower you will age, mentally and physically (though obviously other factors can come into place and change that).

Note: I do realize that you could relate all this to a physical level about health and fitness, about keeping the mind in shape or whatever.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Curiosity Killed the Motherfucking Cat


I had written a whole article on how to create a universal worldview for change and I couldn't tell you why exactly but I absolutely hated it - which is why I didn't publish it. Now I know why I hated it.

I had the wrong approach, kind of.

But Seth Godin cleared things up for me in his rant on change junkies in his book Small is the New Big.

Its all too simple really!

Its all about getting people used to change! (duh)

Its actually not simply about change but more so about diversification, which in turn accustoms change.

So how do we do it?

First off, you have to start small, like with anything else in life.

Those that have the hardest time adapting to change are those who do the same things everyday, listen to the same few genres of music, always eat the same food and at the same restaurants.

They never (or rarely) do or try anything different.

Thus when something eccentric comes along, they aren't used to it. Their mind doesn't know how to adapt, so they get frightened and reject the idea. They're used to the old way and they like it.

In cities theres a lot of diversity. Different races, different kinds of restaurants on almost every street, its all one big clash of strangers having to interact with one an other.

Thats why you would find denser populations of liberals within cities. The city nearly forces them to be eccentric. The mindset is automatically created from their environment.

Though, we do still find segregation within cities. Perhaps its because these segregated folks only see the same people at the same places, doing the same things and essentially isolate themselves from society from the fear of trying something new.

The thing is that each time you are exposed to something, you become more familiar with it, thus it becomes easier to accept and perhaps even enjoy.

For example as a child I hated spinach, though I had to eat it. I didn't eat much of it at a time, though just enough to get the taste for it, but not too much that would have affiliated spinach with a radical negative emotion. Today I can say I enjoy eating spinach, at least much more than I used to.

Change, like everything in life, comes in small doses.
Theres many advantages to diversification.

For one you get to look at several different options, judge for youself and choose which ever option suits you best, your ideal objective (yet really subjective) choice.

Also I believe its crucial to diversify in this day in age since the near future promises so much change, already, as your reading this, things are changing at an exponential rate.


So my solution to become (more so) accustomed to change:

Diversify everyday little things in your life. Even try things that you don't like!

Start small, for example (some examples taken from Godin):

- Each week try a new type of food, or go to a restaurant you've never been
- Listen to an album from a genre of music you normally wouldn't listen to
- Take a new route to work
- Pickup a magazine from a topic you aren't familiar with
- Meet with people outside of your expertise

At the moment I am trying to eat mushrooms (not the psychedelic ones, though I have tried those to) every week.
Im also going to download some songs by Bruce Springsteen since I haven't really liked him in the past, though many of my friends think hes a god.

Actually last year I chose golf as my gym class because before that I hated golf. I had told myself maybe if I force myself to like it I will, and you know what, golf isn't all that bad, maybe I'll hit up the driving range sometime this summer.


What im most concerned about are conservatives and organized religions, which essentially are the same. Although you can find religious folks that diversify, but they are just confused and came to a conclusion, mostly because others have already accepted it for them, but thats a rant for an other time.

I don't get conservatives. Dont they get that their title, by definition, is against human progression? Dont they want to make this world a better place? They seem to be living in a dream world where everything is perfect as is already, which is the complete opposite of where the lifespan our specie is heading. The world is far from perfect.

One might argue that error is human, or that human is error, sure that's true at the moment, but with global warming and our specie on its way to extinction, that's an ignorant answer.

Anyways I don't think ignorance means anything to conservatives, they always seem to miss the point.

What conservatives need is a little eccentricity in their lives.

Blacks, asians, mexicans, europeans and middle-easterns need to move in with them. That would give them a little bit of perspective.

An other issue here is those living in Pakistan and in those surrounding areas where media is censored by their government.

I think censorship should be illigal.

In my post Micky Mouse with AK47s you can see what these people are brought up with.

What you see is what you get.

Ignorace was Bliss - Victor Mancini

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mind Reading

Will it ever be possible?

Perhaps. I would imagine so.

And perhaps youll even live to see it in your lifetime as well, even experience it if your lucky.

Though note im not talking about the “psychic” ESP form of telepathy, like a 6th sense, but more so through your 5 senses and by reading one’s body language and microexpressions.

You can already subconsciously and even consciously recognize the differences between anger, disappointment and most emotions when interacting with someone. But now that people are tapping into micro expressions and specifically identifying them (on a conscious level), there’s nearly no limit to what we could learn from one’s body language.

Visual micro expressions might not be our only clues to reading one’s mind. I'm sure we release certain smells that we aren’t even aware of (for the most part).

For example (this is random, yet somewhat relevant) but you can smell when a girl is horny or if she recently had sex. Surely same goes for guys, but hormones or something in the olfactory level is definitely released – a non verbal sign that communicates something.

So imagine if you could pinpoint micro expressions or other traits to specific thoughts!

Perhaps I will do some research, or if anyone else does, I’d like to know about it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Purple Cow

Book #2 from Seth Godin

So this is a business/marketing book. And marketing is no longer a division of business. Marketing IS business. (sorry for the repetition)

We are now in the 21st C and the rules of marketing from the previous century don't run shit anymore. Well, that's not ENTIRELY true, the concepts can still apply, but this is now a whole new world.

What I mean is: the world is flat. Not flat like they believed 500 years ago, but flat as in “a flat world: a global, web-enabled platform for multiple forms of sharing knowledge and work, irrespective of time, distance, geography and increasingly, language.”

Remember the 4 P's or marketing, sometimes 5 ? Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People.

Well Purple Cow is the new P.

After reading this book I have realized that building a good business has the same core values as being a good human being. I would say your business reflects your personality and who you are. Thus if you want to start a business, time to hit the self help section @ chapters :P

It would be interesting to see what psychologists would have to say after analyzing someone's business and later having a session with them and compare the results.

Also as I was reading this, I was betting that Godin and Gladwell are friends and that Gladwell got his inspiration for Outliers from this very book.

I just sent an email to Godin before I started writing this, and (im not even surprised) 5 minutes later I received one back from him. Amazing. He is truly a marketing Guru.

(inside scoop: apparently Seth's fav restaurant in Canada is Aux Vivres, he told me so himself! hah!)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Dip

My dad received a package from amazon yesterday, 7 new books! boooya!
6 of them are by Seth Goddin, a marketing guru. The other one is called Presentation Zen. I plan to read them all.

I only have 36 pages left of Wizard & Glass but for some reason I have no motivation to finish it. I just need a change of paste. (I was contemplating rereading Gladwell's books but this package arrived, not a moment too soon).

So I decided to read this one:

The subtitle explains what the book is about so theres no need for me to tell you.

Though what I will tell you, is that it is a real thought provoker(my favorite kinds of books) and tweaks the way you think of past experiences, the present, and how you will handle the future.

It creates a new scheme in your mind so to say. A new way to look at how you will be making decisions, which ones you should follow through and which ones you should quit.

Plus its a super easy read. I read it in like an hour or two and im not a fast reader.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gladwell talks spaghetti sauce

Gladwell is probably my biggest inspiration for going into history, probably my biggest inspiration period. Everything he says or has written I can agree with, empathize or understand. He really blows my mind.

I would recommend checking out for lots of great speeches on so many domains: technology, entertainment, design, business, science and global issue. Theres a lot of information and inspiration to be found there I can promise you that.

And if you like Malcolm Gladwell he has a blog along with his web site.

Monday, June 8, 2009


These guys played here on a Sunday night about 2 months ago, on what was possibly one of the worst nights ever for me to go out just as school was finishing up. So bummed on missing them.

watch them blow up over the next year and be in every movie and commercial, if they haven't already

enjoi or die.

Friday, June 5, 2009

golden isles moving up in the world

golden isles (idk why they changed their name? personally crystal moustache is way sicker) were in the arts & life sec of the gazette on wednesday, in the whats on your ipod list. pretty random.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

i want to party with this guy

actually thats a lie, lol, i really wouldnt

Tuesday, June 2, 2009



I took the test and it says im ENFJ. I read the descriptions and it nails me to the dot.


I was doing some further reading on other types, and ENFP really brings me home as well.

So I am going to conclude as being both, ENFJ & ENFP.

anyone else ENFJ and/or ENFP ?

Monday, June 1, 2009

your personality in 4 letters

So check it:
There are 16 categories of personalities.
Each personality type consists of 4 letters to form an acronym:


So why would you want to know what kind of personality type you are?

Well for one by learning your personality type you can learn a lot more about yourself. Theres been a lot of research done behind each personality type from how they interact in personal relationship to impersonal relationships and even what kinds of people your most compatible with and to which jobs would suite you best.

There are forums where you can discuss with others of your personality type and learn how they deal with certain issues of life. The craziest part is reading posts from others of the same personality. You would think these people had known you your whole life. I would actually wish everyone knew about this site because I really want to connect with more of my type.

Im an ENFJ and we only consist of about 2-3% of the world's population, so meeting others like me is pretty rare.

I would recommend checking out

Its the only forum I know of, but its really good. I found out about it last night and iv been reading it nonstop, I actually didnt go to bed last night my mind was way too stimulated, some of the posts and descriptions people have written just blew my mind. I was reading about this stuff till dawn lol.

If you want to find out what personality type you are this is a brief test that will tell you:

Im not 100% sure of its accuracy but I had done a more rigorous personality test a while ago, and my personality type matched up with this test as well. So im pretty sure its legit.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

rainy days

here are some movies i recommend watching on one of those droopy rainy days where you just dont feel like doing anything

this is a russian film about a young girl who's mother abandons her in the ghetto to go to america with her boyfriend. if you dont mind subtitles this is definitely a worth watch.

Synopsis: Dreams. What are they? An escape from reality or reality itself? Waking Life follows the dream(s) of one man and his attempt to find and discern the absolute difference between waking life and the dreamworld. While trying to figure out a way to wake up, he runs into many people on his way; some of which offer one sentence asides on life, others delving deeply into existential questions and life's mysteries. We become the main character. It becomes our dream and our questions being asked and answered. Can we control our dreams? What are they telling us about life? About death? About ourselves and where we come from and where we are going? The film does not answer all these for us. Instead, it inspires us to ask the questions and find the answers ourselves.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

paki skateboard news

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

my psych teacher brought up this book and we discussed each agreement, it seems to be a very nice personal growth philosophy.

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally

3. Don’t Make Assumptions

4. Always Do Your Best

Thursday, April 23, 2009

why one should not send their children to a christian camp

this is some next level evangelical shit

not even joseph cambell could describe the last minute of this bitch's prayer

"ugtpwned (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Uh yeah... about that...

If this chick ever offers you Koolaid, don't drink it!"

Monday, April 20, 2009

having a bad day?

this will cheer you up

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

circus tricks

i know skateboarding is lacking creativity these days, but caaamman, cut the bullshit

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the tipping point!

finished it today! the last of gladwell's books, well its actually his first, but I read them in reverse order, which I also recommend to do. Mainly because I suppose the writing and ideas are much better presented, in Outliers, so you get a better idea of where hes coming from, and I suppose makes you want to read more of his stuff. The tipping point gets kind of repetitive, but with every repetition is a new idea, allowing you to better understand his point.

Anyways, I fucking love this guy, all his books are must reads for anyone who wants to make change in the world and at the same time, in their own lives.

"In the end, Tipping Points are a reaffirmation of the potential for change and the power of intelligent action. Look at the world around you. It may seem like an immovable, implacable place. It is not. With the slightest push - in just the right place - it can be tipped"

-Malcolm Gladwell

booooooooyaakaa! lets start an epidemic!


how could you not love the gonz

Monday, March 30, 2009

freaks & geeks

where the hek has this show been all my life????
all the episodes are on youtube, f'king killer shiiiiet

went on a hunt

and caught me one of these :O

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


this is a huge tree that is 2 minutes from my house, its branches creep the shit out of me

sx70 w/ expired time zero film

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ma ghost friend

just can't get enough

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why shouldn't a Marine Corps general have as many books as an English professor?

I suppose that I had blithely assumed that generals were people who charged around and "did" things; that they were men of action, men of the moment. But one of the things that Van Riper taught me was that being able to act intelligently and instinctively in the moment is possible only after a long and rigorous course of education and experience.

- Malcolm Gladwell, Blink, 2005.

This is a must read.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

quote of the year(so far) (on slap)

this was written by Brandon, on the Slap boards, on the subject our generation and who we will be remembered/defined as:

our generation is the first one to be fully immersed in the realm of intangible technology. we exist both in body and in some other (little other for the new Lacanians out there) world, and this results in an odd kind of doubling of the self. when a portion of you exists in some cyber medium and the rest of you exists in a physical reality, a part of you becomes subconsciously wary, perhaps frightened. one might ponder, "although this digital world is consuming me gradually, i still readily participate in it. i still have a facebook. i don't wish to delete my facebook. what shall i do to make myself feel physically whole, materially complete?" and this is what millions of other young people are thinking. to feel complete, we create physical extensions to complement our digital loss of self. hence the boom of polaroid photographs in the age of incredible megapixelage, of record collection in the age of streaming and mp3s, of fashion which is essentially the '80s rehashed. all of these material forms "hipsters" cling to come from an age when youth could still see itself in its entirety, when friends were tangible beings and not uncanny thumbnails on the world wide web. when interaction meant dialing a phone or walking to a house or writing a letter. in this sense, hipsterdom is a skewed brand of counterculture - revolting against the status quo while also fully adopting it.

simply, the breakneck pace and temporariness of the world makes us afraid we won't be remembered. we want something to remember and to be remembered by. we want something we can still touch, physically, with our hands. we're just clinging to culture, there's really no harm. so get out your polaroid and spare no photo-op.

Friday, February 6, 2009

received some film today...

thats the result of a pack of film thats been expired for longer than iv been alive. jeez. it expired in 88. i have 5 packs of these in total, and iv blown through 3 of them just for shits and gigles, hoping that at least one photo would develop. i supppose i can sell the other 2 packs left on ebay and get my moneys worth back...

though i have to say, these kinda look cool(actually, not really), theyr not amazing or colorful or anything but i might use them for something, we'll see, perhaps ill make a little project out of them

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

!@!*(&#@*^#!(*&#^! PHEW!

Monday, January 12, 2009