Thursday, June 25, 2009

Purple Cow

Book #2 from Seth Godin

So this is a business/marketing book. And marketing is no longer a division of business. Marketing IS business. (sorry for the repetition)

We are now in the 21st C and the rules of marketing from the previous century don't run shit anymore. Well, that's not ENTIRELY true, the concepts can still apply, but this is now a whole new world.

What I mean is: the world is flat. Not flat like they believed 500 years ago, but flat as in “a flat world: a global, web-enabled platform for multiple forms of sharing knowledge and work, irrespective of time, distance, geography and increasingly, language.”

Remember the 4 P's or marketing, sometimes 5 ? Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People.

Well Purple Cow is the new P.

After reading this book I have realized that building a good business has the same core values as being a good human being. I would say your business reflects your personality and who you are. Thus if you want to start a business, time to hit the self help section @ chapters :P

It would be interesting to see what psychologists would have to say after analyzing someone's business and later having a session with them and compare the results.

Also as I was reading this, I was betting that Godin and Gladwell are friends and that Gladwell got his inspiration for Outliers from this very book.

I just sent an email to Godin before I started writing this, and (im not even surprised) 5 minutes later I received one back from him. Amazing. He is truly a marketing Guru.

(inside scoop: apparently Seth's fav restaurant in Canada is Aux Vivres, he told me so himself! hah!)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Dip

My dad received a package from amazon yesterday, 7 new books! boooya!
6 of them are by Seth Goddin, a marketing guru. The other one is called Presentation Zen. I plan to read them all.

I only have 36 pages left of Wizard & Glass but for some reason I have no motivation to finish it. I just need a change of paste. (I was contemplating rereading Gladwell's books but this package arrived, not a moment too soon).

So I decided to read this one:

The subtitle explains what the book is about so theres no need for me to tell you.

Though what I will tell you, is that it is a real thought provoker(my favorite kinds of books) and tweaks the way you think of past experiences, the present, and how you will handle the future.

It creates a new scheme in your mind so to say. A new way to look at how you will be making decisions, which ones you should follow through and which ones you should quit.

Plus its a super easy read. I read it in like an hour or two and im not a fast reader.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gladwell talks spaghetti sauce

Gladwell is probably my biggest inspiration for going into history, probably my biggest inspiration period. Everything he says or has written I can agree with, empathize or understand. He really blows my mind.

I would recommend checking out for lots of great speeches on so many domains: technology, entertainment, design, business, science and global issue. Theres a lot of information and inspiration to be found there I can promise you that.

And if you like Malcolm Gladwell he has a blog along with his web site.

Monday, June 8, 2009


These guys played here on a Sunday night about 2 months ago, on what was possibly one of the worst nights ever for me to go out just as school was finishing up. So bummed on missing them.

watch them blow up over the next year and be in every movie and commercial, if they haven't already

enjoi or die.

Friday, June 5, 2009

golden isles moving up in the world

golden isles (idk why they changed their name? personally crystal moustache is way sicker) were in the arts & life sec of the gazette on wednesday, in the whats on your ipod list. pretty random.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

i want to party with this guy

actually thats a lie, lol, i really wouldnt

Tuesday, June 2, 2009



I took the test and it says im ENFJ. I read the descriptions and it nails me to the dot.


I was doing some further reading on other types, and ENFP really brings me home as well.

So I am going to conclude as being both, ENFJ & ENFP.

anyone else ENFJ and/or ENFP ?

Monday, June 1, 2009

your personality in 4 letters

So check it:
There are 16 categories of personalities.
Each personality type consists of 4 letters to form an acronym:


So why would you want to know what kind of personality type you are?

Well for one by learning your personality type you can learn a lot more about yourself. Theres been a lot of research done behind each personality type from how they interact in personal relationship to impersonal relationships and even what kinds of people your most compatible with and to which jobs would suite you best.

There are forums where you can discuss with others of your personality type and learn how they deal with certain issues of life. The craziest part is reading posts from others of the same personality. You would think these people had known you your whole life. I would actually wish everyone knew about this site because I really want to connect with more of my type.

Im an ENFJ and we only consist of about 2-3% of the world's population, so meeting others like me is pretty rare.

I would recommend checking out

Its the only forum I know of, but its really good. I found out about it last night and iv been reading it nonstop, I actually didnt go to bed last night my mind was way too stimulated, some of the posts and descriptions people have written just blew my mind. I was reading about this stuff till dawn lol.

If you want to find out what personality type you are this is a brief test that will tell you:

Im not 100% sure of its accuracy but I had done a more rigorous personality test a while ago, and my personality type matched up with this test as well. So im pretty sure its legit.